Friday, October 13, 2006

edmw outing to botak jones

dinner outing today with edmw peeps to clementi botak jones. food was so-so, but the talk cock sing song session was great! we shld have another tcss session soon. =)

Thursday, October 12, 2006

we're going to vivocity

day out was spent with weijie, who woke me up at 1pm after tucking in to bed only at 8am. logistical nightmare, cos i need to make a trip out once everyday to 打包 lunch. after tat, cheong down to vivocity. the main programme for the day was world trade centre. whoa. 原来 it's a survivor story 来的. not my kind of story, but the movie was alright. haha.

next up is dinner at genki at marina square, cos he needs to collect his 2 complimentary travel luggages - his family signed up to go japan during NATAS. after tat the 2 grown-up men toured the whole mall to find the ATM, before ending up at esplanade trying to get a cab cos the taxi stands were filled.

so just as we settled down, a taxi with the Woodlands sign came in and no one in the queue wanted to go there. lucky star is with us today, but once he left (i had to settle sth else in town) he got caught in the CTE jam. -.-"


the only thing which makes me happy today is this package of washed clothes which i sent to the laundromat at anchorpoint. cost me $10 though.

dusty junk

who on earth still want files from the last decade and use these dusty blankets? and not forgetting the row of umbrellas which are not mine.

new windows

but i dont think it will be useful cos it will be blocked anyway, like last time.

as i predicted, half of the junk which i declared "okay to throw" has found its way back. so now who's the one who doesn't want to throw out these junk, which includes used hamster cages, unwanted books and exercise books, old toiletries from BMT... and they're going back to my room! the moment they stepped back in, the realisation sets in. it's not my room, it's not my home.

at least i shld be happy those old phone books are gone... oh wait, there are a few stacks of them in the storeroom. *rolls eyes*

and now she tries to bite back by wanting to throw away my stuff to put more of her stuff. there are 4 cupboards in the room, and i only use one. the bed is the only place i dare to move to, everywhere else is dusty and the whole room is surrounded by stuff.

i better move out or die before she turns into another bukit merah grandma who collects junk and treat them like jewels.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

it's ranting time

this is just less than half the amount of rubbish accumulated in my room. the other half had been sent down the temporary elevator was sent back to the house and put on the table outside my room. and many stuffs are just the spillovers of her massive storeroom in the house.

kns. wanted to throw all these stuff long time ago, but my mum kept insisting no. now i'm throwing all these, she's trying to salvage things out of it, and took a few ang pow paper out of it. 死性不改. wat do u wan to do with them? give to relatives?

and when neighbours ask why got so many primary school textbooks, she says i keep them and dun wan to throw. u moron. possessive and 爱面子.

im out of the place. she can go manage all that dust, pets and mounting amount of useless or spoilt stuff, with oxygen power pumps running in empty fish tanks. like she said, its her house, she can do whatever she wants with it, and i cannot move anything out cos everything belongs to her.

get lost.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Dinner and pool outing

time to brush my pool. dinner was macs with jolene and boey, then jolene left for singing class while we headed to pool junction at middle rd. pretty expensive i must say ($11.80 for peak and $8.80 for off-peak), but the balls, cues and tables are maintained reasonably well.


my pets are surely not happy for having to spend 8 hours a day out at the unsheltered corridor while the bathrooms are being re-tiled. no more dust for us as all that hacking is done by the end of Saturday, but bathing without a heater reminds me of tekong.

when i showed the pic to edmw peeps, they wondered, even though it was due to renovation, why they were cooped up in such a small cage, which i agree. ask my mum, dun ask me. maybe she'll convince you not to mind her business faster than you can.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Haze situation might worsen tonight?

Prevailing wind and increased number of hotspots suggest so, as shown in this hotspot map snapshot taken an hour ago.

Picture supplied by Meterological Services Division, National Environmental Agency.

after parking this domain for a few weeks (okay, i think almost a dozen have passed by), i think i'm ready to do some blogging.

if u need some updates, basically nothing have changed. my house will be in a renovation mess for the next week and a few more days, so basically i'm on the move, and taking leaves aplenty. in fact, i have to clear another 10 days for the next 3 months 'cos i've not utilised any of them, and that is good news. i think it is also time for me to take a breather. but then, i'd be wasting my leave grounded at home during daytime to guard the house and our belongings, so it's still not that rosy after all. give and take, i suppose.

ive been starting to play a bit with my D50 again recently, out on shooting missions. below are a few select pictures of vivocity: