Wednesday, October 11, 2006

it's ranting time

this is just less than half the amount of rubbish accumulated in my room. the other half had been sent down the temporary elevator was sent back to the house and put on the table outside my room. and many stuffs are just the spillovers of her massive storeroom in the house.

kns. wanted to throw all these stuff long time ago, but my mum kept insisting no. now i'm throwing all these, she's trying to salvage things out of it, and took a few ang pow paper out of it. 死性不改. wat do u wan to do with them? give to relatives?

and when neighbours ask why got so many primary school textbooks, she says i keep them and dun wan to throw. u moron. possessive and 爱面子.

im out of the place. she can go manage all that dust, pets and mounting amount of useless or spoilt stuff, with oxygen power pumps running in empty fish tanks. like she said, its her house, she can do whatever she wants with it, and i cannot move anything out cos everything belongs to her.

get lost.