Monday, October 09, 2006

after parking this domain for a few weeks (okay, i think almost a dozen have passed by), i think i'm ready to do some blogging.

if u need some updates, basically nothing have changed. my house will be in a renovation mess for the next week and a few more days, so basically i'm on the move, and taking leaves aplenty. in fact, i have to clear another 10 days for the next 3 months 'cos i've not utilised any of them, and that is good news. i think it is also time for me to take a breather. but then, i'd be wasting my leave grounded at home during daytime to guard the house and our belongings, so it's still not that rosy after all. give and take, i suppose.

ive been starting to play a bit with my D50 again recently, out on shooting missions. below are a few select pictures of vivocity: